Case Study

Julie Condon

Occupational Therapist

“I owed it to my clients!”

As a Clinic Owner, you’re probably used to doing a case study for a patient or condition, but have you ever done it with your business owner hat on?!

You’re probably interested to know what other clinic owners are doing to grow their clinic!

It’s pretty common for us to see a clinic owner that is lost for direction, not sure what the next step is for their business journey.

You’re either in a position of pain, struggle or overwhelm and need some urgent help, or you’re happy, content and potentially complacent, meaning you’re missing a lot of the upside.

In any case, it’s great to learn from other health professionals in business because it highlights the opportunities for you to grow.

In this case study with Julie, we’re going to share a detailed insight into her journey as an Occupational Therapist and Private Practice owner (Advanced Health & Hand Therapy).

As you can appreciate, everyone’s journey is different, so, take what you see here and filter it through your current position and ask yourself, how could this work for you?

You’ll notice that we’ve included a lot of detail in this case study. We’ve been able to do that because of our 103 point self assessment business audit that we do at the beginning of every new member’s journey.

We are also constantly reviewing our progress with members and on a quarterly basis we do a business audit to review our progress so that Clinic Mastery can stay accountable to the clinic owner getting a return on their investment.

You’ll see in the answers below we have included Julie’s feedback throughout her time with us.

Why did you start your clinic?

I started my business as I am passionate about helping people to use their hands and arms.

I am keenly aware of the strong psychological link we have to our hands which means that any injury to our hands can directly impact our sense of self.

I wanted to provide therapy in a way that honoured that link and encouraged and supported people through their recovery not just treat them.

I needed to start my own business to have the freedom to do that.

Tell us about your clinic

My clinic is a hand therapy practice that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the whole upper limb – shoulder to fingertip.

I started my clinic in March 2016 in Townsville QLD.

I quickly expanded to service the rural area of Tully and Cardwell – about 200 km north of Townsville.

I hired my first administrative staff member and therapist in June 2017 and expanded again to service 2 further rural areas.

I now work out of my own clinic with 2 other hand therapists and 2 administrative support team members.

Our clinic focuses on the client outcome and experience first and foremost and we treat each other with the same kindness and respect we offer to our clients.

We have a lovely clinic culture and we work hard to involve our referral partners in this culture.

We offer great coffee and tea along with luxury hand creams and we even have a lovely clinic dog, Daisy, to help people feel relaxed and comfortable.

Why did You Join the Clinic Mastery Business Academy?

I joined the Clinic Mastery Business Academy to get support and education for how to run a business.

I had spent the 8 years since I left uni concentrating and studying hard to become the best hand therapist I could be.

When I opened my business I felt like a first year uni student again – I knew nothing!

I found opening a business was incredibly lonely.

I had many people telling me I couldn’t do it.

I also had many people telling me to push harder; but the problem was I didn’t know where to best spend my energy.

I read so many business books and listened to hours upon hours of business podcasts which helped me with knowledge; but unfortunately that knowledge did not help me with implementation!

I heard Daniel Gibbs on one of the business podcasts and I still remember exactly where I was when I heard his interview.

The Clinic Mastery philosophy of the importance of the client experience was exactly the kind of business I wanted to create.

I started following Clinic Mastery and when I learned that they offered a structured learning portfolio along with one on one mentoring I knew it was something I needed to invest in.

I felt that I owed it to my clients to make a smart investment in coaching and learning to make sure that I could help as many people as well as I possibly could.

After I met the whole team at my first live event I was very emotional.

I knew that I had found a group of people who shared my passion for quality health care.

The best part was that I was no longer lonely in business. I could feel straight away that the team wanted me to succeed as much as I wanted to succeed.

What Results Have You Achieved With The Business Academy?

You’ll see some real figures below…

What you need to know is that the comparison spans between April 2017 – to March 2018 (11m period).

Remember, Julie runs an Occupational Therapy clinic and your numbers are likely to be different if you are in another industry.

Over that period, these numbers reflect how Julie has been able to engage and align her team, with the help of Clinic Mastery to be able to implement many of the (64+) practical systems (we give you in the business academy) to create a sustainable business.

You’ll also need to appreciate that these are sustained average numbers over a 11m period.

Monthly Revenue

  • Increase by 101%  

  • Key system (s) we implemented to help create this change:

    • Introducing management plans which increased our PVA

    • Focused on exceptional client care with appropriate rebooking

    • Systemised client hand-overs from practitioners to admin team

    • Increased consult fees

Monthly Appointment Numbers

  • Increase by 57%

  • Key system (s) we implemented to help create this change:

    • Introducing management plans

    • Follow up calls from admin and practitioners

    • Asking appropriate clients for referrals

    • Increasing networking, including presentations to the general public

    • Reactivation and support contact by utilising Cliniqapps

Patient Visit Average

  • Increase by 80%

  • Key system (s) we implemented to help create this change:

    • Introducing management plans

    • Follow up calls

    • Weekly 1:1s on top of weekly PD with our team to accelerate their learning, creating better care and health outcomes for clients

Average Revenue Per Client

  • Increase by 17%

  • Key system (s) we implemented to help create this change:

    • Introducing management plans

    • Introducing more products to enhance the treatment

More Freedom

  • Decreased clinical hours from 55 To 30 hr each per week

    • I’m working 20 hrs on the business each week

  • Key system(s) we implemented to help create this change:

    • Hand over of clients to other practitioners

    • Hired more practitioners

    • Big focus on team member 1:1 meetings and Professional Development to ensure same quality throughout the clinic

    • Creation of treatment systems and professional development resources to ensure same quality throughout the clinic

What Other Changes Have You Experienced in Your Clinic?

  1. Bought a Clinic

    • Previously renting 1 room in 3 different locations

    • Now purchased our own building/clinic with 5 treatment rooms

  2. We’ve Added New team members

    • We employed 3 OT’s

    • We employed 2 Admin Team Members

  3. We’ve transitioned to better operating systems

    • From excel spreadsheets to cloud based accounting and bookkeeping software XERO

    • From nothing or texting on my phone to cloud based client communication system Cliniq Apps

    • From written to-do lists on numerous post its, to Asana Project Management Software

    • From drawings (not good ones) to Physitrack

  4. We are much more structured in our growth

    • All of my plans used to be in losely in my head, now we have a clear structure because we have created detailed 90 day and 12 month plans.

    • We are regularly marketing to our database

    • I’m now a Business Owner, not just a Therapist

  5. We are more delivering a better client experience

    • We have a written and clarity on the touch points in our new clients journey

    • Better education resources and education prescription through Physitrack

    • We survey our clients using the NPS to find out how their experience was after their first visit

    • We have transformed our waiting room into a welcome room! We offer proper pod coffee, herbal tea, luxurious hand cream, hand wax bath and a friendly and welcoming team

  6. We’re getting paid what we’re worth because we add more value

    • We have decreased the amount of discounted consults overall

    • We have increased our consult fees

  7. We have transformed the culture

    • We’re still improving, however, our team now have helped craft our core purpose and values.

    • We regularly celebrate our team wins

    • We have structured team meetings, reviews and social catch ups that align our teams personal/professional goals with the business objectives

  8. We are Marketing better

    • We have clearly defined our ideal client

    • We have a website that ranks in the top 3 of google

    • We have a Content Marketing Plan guided by Google Analytics

How Would You Describe Your Business Academy Experience


Virtual Classroom

  • Kajabi = AWESOME

    • The structure, organisation, delivery, quality and volume of the content is amazing!

    • So easy to follow each week and great to revise again later or share content with the team. Particularly as things become relevant over time – such as when employing new team members

    • Loved that at any time I can easily log in and find the videos that corresponded with what I wanted to focus on at the time (We revisited modules on hiring team members quite a bit last year!)


Business in a Box

  • Google site = so easy to find things

    • All the systems and policies were spread across Dropbox, USB sticks and Google Drive. Needless to say a lot of time is wasted trying to find the document when we needed it. Now they are in a really organised clear place – literally at our fingertips

    • The tasks in our electronic to do list, Asana, are linked to the system / procedure in the Google site so it’s easy to find


Study Buddies

  • Coaching & Community = words cant describe

    • Ben has been my primary coach and his support and questions keep me grounded and on track to keep moving towards my goals and my quarter focus.

    • I have had one on ones with Shane as well which have also helped me so much particularly with the financial aspect (the scariest bit!)

    • The Facebook and now the SLACK community is inspiring. I can ask any question in a safe zone and I never feel the need to apologise for asking a question

    • Reading others questions open my mind to things I didn’t know I didn’t know and also when I come up with questions I can search through the threads and often find that someone has already asked the question. This makes me feel so supported 🙂


How Would You Describe Your Experience with the Clinic Mastery Team?

  • “I have had an overwhelmingly positive experience with Clinic Mastery. It is not an expense it is an asset. I do not even question the money coming out every month as I know the value I get out of the community is ten-fold on the subscription cost. Ben, Jack, Shane and Daniel always go above and beyond to make sure they keep offering top value at each touch point.”

What Advice Do You Have For a Clinic Owner Contemplating the Business Academy?

  1. Check out the team on their social media channels and through the Grow My Clinic Podcast – how they are in public is exactly how they are when you join the community.

  2. There is nothing fake about them or what they offer – it is all genuinely there to help you to reach your goals.

  3. Give the team a call to book in the introductory phone call. This alone will give you value towards your goals.

  4. JUST DO IT! Don’t hesitate, you won’t regret it.

Applications for the next Business Academy enrolment are now open (only 4 per year), claim your strategy session now to see if we have what you need and find out if you’d be a good fit.


So, the question i have for you is this, do you want to grow your clinic?!

Unfortunately, you don’t get any extra rewards for doing it yourself…

If you want to take control of your clinic growth, just like Julie, you might as well take advantage of the entire done-for-you systems, policies, procedures and structures we’ve created and use in our clinics today…

There is no need to re-invent the wheel!

If you’re serious about taking the next step, then we should talk. If you’re on the fence, this is not for you. Just like Julie said, you have to immerse yourself to get the best results.

The Business Academy is not for the faint hearted, it demands high level of commitment and relentless execution. It is your business after-all.

Julie has put in an incredible amount of work, she epitomises what it means to be a member of this elite group.

We have all the resources you need and the support to help bring it to life, the question is, are you willing to put your head down and do the yards with us?

Will You Be Our Next Case Study?!

Until next time;
Live with Passion and Serve with Care!