Episode 160

Episode 160

• Mar 10, 2020

• Mar 10, 2020

New Trends in Healthcare Tech and Why They’re Worthy Investments

New Trends in Healthcare Tech and Why They’re Worthy Investments

New Trends in Healthcare Tech and Why They’re Worthy Investments

News & Media

News & Media

In this episode of the podcast, we hang out with Peter Birch who is the host of The Talking HealthTech Podcast. Peter gets us up to date with the latest tech innovations in the healthcare space and explains how tech can improve our systems and the experience we provide for our clients.

He also gives us some advice on how we can introduce new technologies to our staff and practitioners.


  • [0:02:10.7]  Rapid-fire questions: Reading list, who inspires you, childhood aspirations, motto you live by

  • [0:06:16.1]  From wanting to be a lawyer to venturing into the health tech space

  • [0:12:57.9]  What inspired Peter to start The Talking HealthTech Podcast, best episodes from the podcast for first time listeners

  • [0:16:33.7]  Trends in tech and healthcare in Australia

  • [0:20:42.6]  The use of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, defining AI and different types of AI

  • [0:23:46.7]  How tech can improve client experience

  • [0:25:29.4]  How to introduce new tech to staff and practitioners

  • [0:27:42.0]  Connect with Peter and listen to his podcast



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